Sunday, May 1, 2011

cartagena - food & drink

Remember a couple months ago when I came back from Colombia and was all, "I have all these great photos and will share them with you over several fascinating posts that I'm sure you can't wait to read! Stay tuned!"


I'm sure you haven't exactly been waiting for these with bated breath, but I do have a few more posts about Cartagena I've been planning to share. And when the April Anthropologie catalog showed up a few of weeks ago and I saw that it was shot in Cartagena, it reminded me that I needed to get crackalackin'.


This installment is all about food. I like food. I like to eat it, I like to cook it, and I like to take pictures of it when I travel.

In the old part of the city vendors sell sweets in big glass jars - these loosely translate as 'babydolls of milk'.

Babydoll close-up

I tried one of the pastries on the left that this street vendor was selling. It was flaky, sugary, and filled with dulce de leche inside - delicious and only $1.

What was advertised as 'chocolate' pizza with a glass bottle of Coca Cola light.

My dinner at La Vitrola - my steak was seasoned with salt, pepper and sugar. Awesome.

Lunch at the hotel - the dish in the top right corner has squid inside. Being a coastal city all of the menus included a lot of seafood and squid of some sort was very common.

One of the local beers

Another local beer, this one served michalada style with fresh lime juice and a salted glass.

My roommate's fish dinner. I stuck with the chicken that night.

Breakfast at the hotel with a view of the beach - the small round bread on the right is an arepa, which is a little cornmeal patty. Cheese, bread and fruit were breakfast staples.

These were little cream puffs and yes, they were magnificent.

Colombian coffee definitely lived up to its reputation and was so good I drank it black.

And finally, headed home - plane food Avianca Airlines-style. Wrapped in that leaf is pork and rice.

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