Tuesday, May 17, 2011

birthday party

We had about 25 friends and family over for Matteo's birthday party. We ordered a bunch of pizzas (sooo easy...I have to remember to do this more often), got a lot of beer (it was mostly adults at the party, and hey, this is Wisconsin), and my mom made an awesome Caesar salad. For decorations we had balloons and streamers in the trees. It was all pretty simple to pull together, although that's easy for me to say since I was gone most of the day planting trees for work, while my mom, aunt and Matt set everything up. (Thanks guys!)


with ayla

with uncle jim



the grieves



moustache kids

good times


We like to make CD mixes, so at the end of the party everyone got a CD of some of our current favorite songs to take home. I originally was going to have a pinata and had bought toys and candy to put inside, but scrapped the idea at the last minute and put the little toys inside the bags with the CDs.

party favors

And here is the CD cover. What a doll that boy is.



  1. Fabulous! Wish we were there to join you ! Kisses and hugs to sweet Matteo! Happy new year, little man.

  2. […] always done big birthday parties for Matteo, (see his first and his second) but this year was going to be tricky. We didn’t want him to feel like his […]
