Friday, May 20, 2011

the season

lacrosse party

The end of May is always the craziest time of the year for me. In Maryland, lacrosse season starts March 1 and with the lovely mid-Atlantic spring weather you're always ensured a nice long season. Here in Wisconsin we can't even get on our field until April 15th because it's still drying out from all the melted snow that was dumped on it. So in April we scramble to teach girls how to play on a proper field after spending the winter in a tiny gym, we endure many cancelled practices and games due to cold and rain, and ultimately end up playing half our season in two weeks at the end of May.

This week we had games Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and a team pizza party on Wednesday night at our house. I was a little nervous about how we would fit 40 girls in our house but I always forget these are Wisconsin girls who are happy to sit in the backyard in bare feet when it's barely 60 degrees because to them, it feels downright balmy. (My mother calls Wisconsinites 'Viking People', and it's kind of true since a large majority of them are of Scandinavian descent.)

Juggling working full time, motherhood, and coaching has made for an interesting season. I've been more stressed than usual and really lost my cool during a game on Tuesday night, and had to apologize to the team for scaring (and scarring? hopefully not) them. Sometimes I wonder if I can keep it up, but Matteo is in good hands with Matt when I'm at practice and coaching is the one thing I have that's all mine, and can do independent of being a mom. Plus, I love it. working with kids is awesome and I'm lucky to have the opportunity.

The play-offs start next week. Wish us luck and good weather!

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