Wednesday, May 25, 2011


recombobulation area in milwaukee airport
Have you ever heard about this? This is a real sign in the Milwaukee airport right after you get through security.

I'm in the process of recombobulating this week - cleaning out hundreds of emails, paying bills I totally forgot to pay, finally getting around to buying an age-appropriate car seat for Matteo, you know the drill. If I can get around to switching out my winter clothes for summer wear I'll really have my A-game on again.

And poor Matteo has been teething for days. There are at least two new ones making their way in but there could be more. He hasn't gotten any new teeth since Christmas and they tend to all show up at once, making for one little miserably sad boy.

Here's what we're dealing with. Please ignore all the purple stains. He had blueberries for breakfast Monday when I took this picture.



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