Monday, July 2, 2012



Summerfest is the world's biggest music festival. It's held in Milwaukee every summer and features a pretty insane line-up of music. Matt, Matteo and I went on Saturday to check out the festival grounds.

root beer

lemonade break

Milwaukee is also famous for the Sausage Race, where people dressed as five different types of sausages race each other around the bases at every home Brewers game. As we were leaving Summerfest the Racing Sausages were just coming out to greet fans. Matteo walked right up to them and started shaking their hands, and giving them high-fives and fist bumps. They LOVED him. I think it especially helped that he was wearing a Brewers t-shirt.

the approach

high five

hey sausages!

The Hot Dog, The Polish Sausage, and The Italian Sausage circled around him and started imitating what he was doing. A crowd formed to watch and I heard people around us saying, "Look at that cute little boy!" and "He's not even afraid!" The crowd actually applauded Matteo after a few minutes of their little show.

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  1. What a cute and outgoing grandson I have. I think he takes after his MOM.

  2. What a "cool dude" my grandson is, looks kind of like his Dad.
    Loving thoughts,
    Grandma Peig
