Tuesday, July 17, 2012

oakley rodeo

little cowboy

Our third night in Utah was spent at the Oakley Rodeo. Oh WOW was it fun! We bought Matteo a cowboy hat outside and he wore it all night.

matteo and grandpa

mama and matteo




The rodeo stadium is located in the little town of Oakley, about 30 minutes east of Park City. With the mountains in the background, it felt like something out of a movie.


bull rider

Here's a little video I took of some of the action:

[flickr video=7551940596 secret=422655ca91 w=400 h=225]

And a little video of Matteo doing some riding of his own:

[flickr video=7551909596 secret=3b0f9b313c w=400 h=225]

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