Thursday, July 19, 2012

basement playroom - the big reveal

Remember when we tore apart our basement this winter with the intention of turning it into a playroom? And remember how my last post about it was this, and then I never actually posted any photos of what it ended up looking like in the end? (Oops. Sorry.)


basement playroom

We still have some decorating to do but the major stuff is done. The high cabinets hold our barware and the low cabinets are filled with toys. And with the extra window we get so much more natural light in the room.
We're so happy with it. And the best part is since Matt and I have our own spaces down there (his turntables and records are in another part of the room and my little office/project room is connected to the playroom) we can each be down there working on our own stuff knowing Matteo is safe and nearby and occupied in the playroom. We've already been spending way more time down there than we ever did. I'm so happy we did this.

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