Tuesday, October 2, 2012

our saturday adventure

Matt went to Green Lake for the night last Saturday so I promised Matteo we would go an adventure.

He loves all kinds of vehicles so I took him on his first ride of the "city bus"!

bus stop

HAs soon as we got on he climbed right up on an empty seat and looked around, wide-eyed. The first time the bus stopped he hopped down to get off and was happy to learn we were going to stay on for a few more stops.


Our destination? Downtown...

mad dog's

to the "hot dog shop"!

hot dogs!

little boy, big dog

After dinner we walked up and down State Street, stopping for frozen yogurt along the way.


Then we went up to the Capitol Square to wait for the bus to take us home. Matteo was so thrilled with our trip he did a little dance.

[flickr video=8048047067 secret=f094936f23 w=400 h=225]

(At the end of the video he yells "MAMA'S BAG!" because he spotted a woman with the same purse as me.)

We were having so much fun we missed our bus and had to start walking home until we caught the next one. But it was a beautiful day and we ran into friends along the way and it all made for a fun adventure!

1 comment:

  1. oh this is adorable. gives me a good iead for an "adventure" with my little man as well. he has never been on a bus before either! now, if i could only find a magical hot dog store ...
