Thursday, October 18, 2012

new school

new school

When Matteo turns two and a half (in less than three weeks!) he is going to move to a different school. He'll be switching from his daycare to a Montessori school where he will most likely stay until kindergarten.

new school

He went to visit his new class for the first time on Tuesday morning and absolutely loved it. He even cried when it was time to leave. He's been at the same school since he was four months old and I wasn't sure what he was going to think of such a big change. But he dove right in, greeting the other kids, playing nicely with them, and helping himself to snack all by himself. I was so relieved!

dirt station

helping himself

hey old friend!

We planned our visit so he could be in the class picture for the year, and when it was time to line up to go get the picture taken he got to be first in line. He was thrilled!

first in line!

The new classroom is a little smaller than his current classroom, and there are more than twice as many kids (and almost all of them are boys, what a crazy bunch that must be!), but the Montessori method is based on purposeful independence and order and I think it's a good fit for Matteo. I attended a Montessori school from two and a half through the first part of kindergarten and still credit that experience to instilling in me a lifelong love of learning.

new class

new class

We're all going to miss our friends at the old school, both the kids and the teachers who have been wonderfully supportive and nurturing these last two years. But it's exciting to see Matteo move on to a new environment with new challenges where I know he'll thrive.

class photo

1 comment:

  1. This new school is going to be a great fit for Matteo. Tell him Grandma is very proud of him and to put his "best foot forward."
    Loving thoughts,
    Grandma Peig
