Friday, October 19, 2012

buttercup squash soup

my little buttercup

Last week's CSA box came with some nice winter squashes so Matteo and I made buttercup squash soup for dinner. This is a Food Network recipe that was provided with my weekly CSA newsletter. It was easy to throw together and came out great.

buttercup soup

Buttercup Soup

3 Tablespoons of butter
3/4 C coarsely chopped onion
2 carrots, peeled and coarsely chopped
1 potato, peeled and coarsely chopped
1 jalapeño, seeded coarsely chopped
1 buttercup squash, peeled, seeded and chopped
4 C chicken stock or water
1/2 C cream
Salt and pepper
Sliced scallion and diced red pepper, for garnish

In a large pot, melt butter and cook onions until tender. Stir in carrots, potato and jalapeño and toss to coat. Stir in chopped squash. Pour in chicken stock and bring to a simmer. Simmer for 30 minutes until vegetables are tender. Puree soup in blender in batches. Return to pot and stir in cream. Season to taste and garnish with sliced scallion.


I also made cooked up the Brussels sprouts that came in the box last week. They were tasty but stunk up the whole house! Is there a way to cook them without leaving such a strong, lingering smell?

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