Friday, October 12, 2012

and then there were 4 of us

new baby - 11 weeks

So...a big reason I've been so absent from this blog is I'm 16 weeks pregnant! The first trimester was rough, rough, ROUGH! The queasiness came on earlier, was much stronger, and lasted way longer than it did when I was pregnant with Matteo. And when people say that being pregnant with a toddler already running around is completely exhausting, they're not kidding! I am wiped!

Slowly but surely I'm beginning to feel somewhat like my old self. (Although we're in the process of planning a renovation to convert our back sun porch into a bedroom, so life is still feeling rather hectic.) I have every intention of keeping up this blog more regularly now that my brain and my body are functioning normally again so photos and posts should resume soon. Stay tuned! There is much more to come!


  1. Yahoo!!! Congratulations Katy!! I hope you have an easy, wonderful pregnancy!!! Enjoy the magic.

  2. Mazeltov!!!! XXX Claudia
