Friday, February 24, 2012


It's been a few weeks since we ripped apart our basement and it's really starting to look good. The drywall is up and primed and the new windows are in. This weekend I'll be cleaning and painting so all that will be left is to install the new cabinetry, which has been ordered and should be here mid-March. And, of course, add furniture and toys. Duh.

To recap:

Here is what the basement looked like when we first moved in. Burlap stapled to the ceiling, old kitchen, and wood paneling on the walls. Creep city.


The first thing we did was take down the burlap and paint the ceiling and walls white. Which immediately made the space look a lot better.

grandpa's rumpus room

But we still had the weird kitchen to deal with. We tried hiding it with curtains, but that looked strange. And even though it was painted, the wood paneling was in bad shape and the windows were old and falling apart. And, as you can see, the random furniture makes the room look like somewhere the kids from 'That 70's Show' would be hanging out. The whole room really needed an overhaul. So Operation Playroom 2012 was launched.

First, we (meaning Matt and Joe) tore out the old kitchen.

before 2

bare walls

Then we had a contractor cover the old paneling with drywall and re-do the three windows in the room, one of which had been paneled over when the old kitchen was installed. This is how it looks today.


I forgot to post this picture when I posted about this project before, but when we were tearing out the old cabinets even Matteo helped. He had the very important job of restocking the beer fridge.

working boy

There are some things that we just can't change. Like the height of the ceilings, or the fact that to get to this room you have to walk through the unfinished part of our basement. But we can at least make the space a lot nicer than it was. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. [...] winter with the intention of turning it into a playroom? And remember how my last post about it was this, and then I never actually posted any photos of what it ended up looking like in the end? (Oops. [...]
