Monday, February 13, 2012

cabin fever

toot toot beep beep

It's getting to that point of the winter where cabin fever is starting to set in. While it was a productive weekend, and much cleaning and laundry and chili making got done, by Sunday I had reached the breaking point and had to get out of the house. We went to the mall and rented this little firetruck stroller for Matteo to drive around in. We ran errands, went out for lunch, and ended the trip with a milkshake. It doesn't take much these days to make me happy.

There is so much awesome stuff to do in this town, even in winter, and we get so stuck in our routines that we never take advantage of it. Matteo is easy to travel with and we love to go to new places. Why is it so hard to get motivated to leave the house?

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I wish Leo would tolerate a whole day at home! That kid needs to get out at least once a day plus a dog walk or he goes cuckoo crazy. Many a Sunday I wish we could just stay home in pjs all day long....
