Wednesday, February 15, 2012

how valentines day really went

We went out for pizza last night and hoo boy, date night is definitely different with a toddler in tow. We ordered the usual and then waited...and waited. Apparently people in this town really like their heart-shaped pizzas because the place was crazy busy.

The restaurant is kid-friendly, and even has its own little shelf of toys and books for impatient children, but that only worked for so long. Eventually, things like this started happening. Yes, that's a matchbox car in Matt's water glass.

matchbox drink

After almost an hour and still no dinner, we gave up and asked to get our heart-shaped pizza to go. There was no way we'd be able to contain Matteo and enjoy it in the restaurant. So long pizza place.

goodbye rc

Guess what? We got home, opened the box, and found this...a plain old round pizza that was missing the pepperoni we ordered. BOO!

round pizza

Matteo didn't care. He gobbled up two pieces all by himself and then enjoyed a heart-shaped sugar cookie for dessert. And this morning I found him crouched on the floor on his hands and knees, farting and filling his diaper with more diarrhea than I've ever seen come out of one small boy.

Hope your Valentines Day was just as special!

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