Wednesday, January 11, 2012

photo a day

I'm still figuring out taking photos with my iphone. I love all the great apps that are out there but overall I'm taking fewer pictures, which isn't a good thing. One thing that's helping inspire me to take more photos is Instagram and the January photo-a-day challenge.


Here are my first 10 days:

1. you

day 1 - you

2. breakfast

day 2 - breakfast

3. something you adore

day 3 - something you adore

4. letterbox

day 4 - letterbox

5. something you wore

day 5 - something you wore

6. makes you smile

day 6 - makes you smile

7. favorite (that's chicken tikka masala. i need to work on my food photography.)

day 7 -favorite

8. your sky

day 8 - your sky

9. daily routine

day 9 - daily routine

10. childhood

day 10 - childhood

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