Monday, January 30, 2012

basement project - part 1

We quickly realized we need more space in our house once Matteo officially became a toddler. While the layout of our house is quirky, we're fortunate to have a lot of underutilized space so we're updating our basement and turning it into a playroom.

This weekend was Phase 1 - Destruction. Our basement used to be a separate apartment and one wall was an old kitchen, complete with a 50's-era stove. With the help of Joe and Carrie, Saturday morning we tore it all out. One of the best finds was another window that had been covered up with wood paneling. The bottom picture was taken at night but it really does make a huge difference in how much natural light we get down there. We also found one of those coin with a naked lady on it that says, "Heads I Win" on one side, and "Tails You Lose" on the other. Oh, if our basement could only talk the stories it would tell...



after - with edit

The next steps are to 1.) put up drywall on this wall and two other walls in the basement that are covered in wood paneling. 2.) Paint the room. And, 3.) install simple IKEA cabinets for storage.

I have a big vision for this room, people. Wish us luck!