Wednesday, October 12, 2011

our fabulous fall

Sorry posting has been light, folks. The weather here has been beyond unbelievable. We've been crazy trying to get outside as much as possible and soak it all up before things turn colder later this week. If I'm not at work or sleeping and you need to find me, try a playground.

This past weekend we went to the zoo and then to dinner at this fun Mexican restaurant we discovered in a little town south of Madison. We also watched sports, lots and lots of sports, along with everyone else in Wisconsin.

I had Monday off and kicked some serious ass getting stuff done around the house - I was a pesto-making, floor-steam-cleaning, errand-running machine. And speaking of running, I've been working out again and it feels (it also hurts) so good. I'm so super sore and I love it.

Anyway, here's a little snapshot of what we've been doing:

cupcake in the park

yellow trees, blue skies

bear, chilling

at the zoo



king of the stroller

sopapilla with ice cream



roscoe in leaves


Life is good. We are so busy and so tired, but we are so very happy.

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