Thursday, October 20, 2011



(I saw this on a friend's facebook page this week. Yep, this is about right.)

Guess what? Did you know that jogging strollers can actually be used...jogging? Amazing, right? After owning one for 17 months, I finally decided to try running with it last week and it's awesome. I'm totally hooked, even if I do look like that little girl. I even am able to run with the stroller AND the dog. Everybody wins, folks!

(Fun fact: a friend of mine from college set the world record for running while pushing a jogging stroller.)

I recently started running again and even signed up to run a 5K this Saturday, however, in my newfound running zeal I may have overdone it a little bit. I kind of went from zero to 60 and seem to have done something to my IT band. I ran almost three miles back to back Sunday and Monday and have been limping ever since. Apparently jumping back into running after a hiatus in your 30's is a great way to remind yourself that you're not as spry as you used to be.

But I'm committed to running on Saturday so I've been stretching and icing and hoping for the best. And the thing I'm most excited about it I'll be pushing Matteo in the stroller. This will be the first race I've run in a long time, and I'm so excited he can do it with me. I want him to grow up with a healthy, happy mama who sets a good example for working out and staying in shape. I gave myself plenty of time off after he was born, now it's time to get back to a place where exercise is a regular part of my routine.

(Excuse the Icelandic subtitles, but every time I hear the word 'jogging' I think of this scene.)


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