Monday, October 31, 2011

classic sleepy hollow

We watched the classic Disney cartoon, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow last night before dinner. When it was over Matt and I talked about how crazy it that 30 years ago, the Sunday before Halloween, we were probably doing the exact same thing - watching the same cartoon on TV on the Wonderful World of Disney.

Isn't the animation gorgeous? And Bing Crosby's voice couldn't have been more perfect. I remember watching this as a kid, year after year, and loving the thrill of being so scared. I never believed the rumor that Ichabod married some other lady who had a bunch of kids that looked just like him. I think the Horseman really got him. That guy had a sword and a flaming pumpkin! He wasn't fooling around.

sleepy hollow

sleepy hollow - bing






Every time I watch this, I get this song stuck in my head for a couple of days.


Friday, October 28, 2011

great moments from the great pumpkin - by kevin


Video Americain is on tumblr. My brother just posted about his top 5 things from "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown." Check it out here.

halloween starts now

Matteo and I met up with Stefanie, Adam and Ayla this afternoon for the downtown Madison Halloween family fun festivities.



festive festivities


our haul

Our haul: six pieces of candy, a temporary tattoo, a key chain that says 'tree hugger' (very appropriate), and a DC comics Superman trading card from 1978.

curiosity shop

So this was kind of cool. This is the guy was who gave us the Superman trading card. Instead of candy he was giving away vintage trading cards and stickers for his store. I did a little research on him and it turns out he's a wealthy philanthropist and antiques collector who owns this little curiosity shop downtown. When he handed me the card he said, "Watch out now, that could pay for college. You never know!" Of course, as soon as I showed it to Matteo he snatched it and put creases all over it. Sorry Matteo, there goes college.

Fun times with the Grieve family!

the grieves

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

american horror story

american horror story

Are you watching American Horror Story yet? Ohmygod it's so good and so weird and SO FREAKING SCARY. The first time we watched it I was so scared after it was over I made Matt immediately delete the episode off of our DVR and swore I would never watch another. Of course a couple days later he caught me on the show's website...and by the following Wednesday I was ready for more. Bring it American Horror Story!

It's only three episodes in, so if you haven't started watching you're not too far behind. But beware! This show is seriously creepy. Don't say I didn't warn you.

(If you want to know what's happened so far, Enteratinment Weekly has great episode recaps here.)

adidas love

It's no secret our family has a thing for adidas. So I had to laugh when I found this photo of my parents on their honeymoon. Ha! My Dad is taking it to a whole other level here.

Honeymoon parents

(And look how cute my mom is. Awww.)

Monday, October 24, 2011

such a fabulous fall

Just when I think cold weather is finally upon us, leave it to fall to squeak out a few more gorgeous days. This weekend was no different. Matt was in Minnesota visiting a college with one of his players so Matteo and I ran errands, hung out in the park, and staged a little photo shoot of him in his Halloween costume.

Want a sneak peek?

halloween sneek peek

I was kind of dragging today. I think it's all this nice weather, it's exhausting trying to take it all in. (Yes, I'm going to kick myself for ever complaining about this come January.) It's like a nice summer in Alaska - you know it's fleeting so you go and go and go until you finally get to the point when you're like, "ENOUGH ALREADY! Just rain all day so I can go to a damn movie and not be compelled to DO so much awesome stuff all the time!"

Saturday, October 22, 2011

i did it!

Woot woot!


pre race

and after: (a little red, but still smiling!)

at the finish

Thursday, October 20, 2011



(I saw this on a friend's facebook page this week. Yep, this is about right.)

Guess what? Did you know that jogging strollers can actually be used...jogging? Amazing, right? After owning one for 17 months, I finally decided to try running with it last week and it's awesome. I'm totally hooked, even if I do look like that little girl. I even am able to run with the stroller AND the dog. Everybody wins, folks!

(Fun fact: a friend of mine from college set the world record for running while pushing a jogging stroller.)

I recently started running again and even signed up to run a 5K this Saturday, however, in my newfound running zeal I may have overdone it a little bit. I kind of went from zero to 60 and seem to have done something to my IT band. I ran almost three miles back to back Sunday and Monday and have been limping ever since. Apparently jumping back into running after a hiatus in your 30's is a great way to remind yourself that you're not as spry as you used to be.

But I'm committed to running on Saturday so I've been stretching and icing and hoping for the best. And the thing I'm most excited about it I'll be pushing Matteo in the stroller. This will be the first race I've run in a long time, and I'm so excited he can do it with me. I want him to grow up with a healthy, happy mama who sets a good example for working out and staying in shape. I gave myself plenty of time off after he was born, now it's time to get back to a place where exercise is a regular part of my routine.

(Excuse the Icelandic subtitles, but every time I hear the word 'jogging' I think of this scene.)


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

last weekend

Friday night Matt had to work the homecoming football game. Matteo and I went to support a friend who was participating in a local Gallery Night art crawl.

gallery night

Matteo had his first taste of fresh apple cider. It was a big hit.



Saturday I baked a batch of Halloween cookies and then Matteo and I caught the last quarter of our friend's son's football game. Matteo is REALLY into football these days. I have yet to capture his football moves on film, but they're pretty awesome.

halloween cookies



We also went to a couple of parties - a housewarming for friends, and then a bonfire at Matt's brother's house.



Oh fall stuff, how I love you.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Friday, October 14, 2011

field trip!

I spent the morning with Matteo and his class at a farm outside of Madison. The kids got to see all kinds of animals and even fed baby goats with little bottles! They also have a little kitten house where the kids can interact with a whole bunch of kittens. We all had a great time. We went to this same farm, last year, when Matteo was so little I had to prop him against a pumpkin to take his picture. It's amazing to see how much he has changed!


at the farm


alex with a kitten



baby goats

matteo with furry cow


at the farm

at the farm

Thursday, October 13, 2011

good morning, baby!

Photos from Sunday:

good morning baby!

good morning baby!

good morning baby!

good morning baby!
good morning baby!

(And yes, the first photo is how I found him when I walked into his room.)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

happy birthday joan & kelly

A very happy birthday this week to two of our favorites - Grandma Joan and Aunt Kelly!

joan and kelly

We love you!

our fabulous fall

Sorry posting has been light, folks. The weather here has been beyond unbelievable. We've been crazy trying to get outside as much as possible and soak it all up before things turn colder later this week. If I'm not at work or sleeping and you need to find me, try a playground.

This past weekend we went to the zoo and then to dinner at this fun Mexican restaurant we discovered in a little town south of Madison. We also watched sports, lots and lots of sports, along with everyone else in Wisconsin.

I had Monday off and kicked some serious ass getting stuff done around the house - I was a pesto-making, floor-steam-cleaning, errand-running machine. And speaking of running, I've been working out again and it feels (it also hurts) so good. I'm so super sore and I love it.

Anyway, here's a little snapshot of what we've been doing:

cupcake in the park

yellow trees, blue skies

bear, chilling

at the zoo



king of the stroller

sopapilla with ice cream



roscoe in leaves


Life is good. We are so busy and so tired, but we are so very happy.