Tuesday, August 30, 2011

terrace love


We met some friends at the Terrace last week to celebrate our friend Adam, who officially completed his PhD program on Wednesday. Congratulations Dr. Adam!

The weather was perfect, there were tons of people out, and there were burgers, beer and babies out the wazoo. If someone came to Madison for just one day and wanted to get a glimpse of what the city was like by going to just one place, I would send them to the Terrace. (In warm weather, of course.)

Have you ever seen the movie The Last Kiss with Zach Braff and Rachel Bilson?

last kiss

It's set in Madison and there is a scene where Zach Braff is creeping around in the bushes at the Terrace spying on Rachel Bilson with her friends. It's fun to watch for spotting local landmarks and I've recommended it to friends who want to know what Madison is like.

Another movie set in Madison (although I don't think it was really filmed here) is Away We Go. A couple of weeks ago I told someone I lived in Madison and they replied, "Kook Town!" That's an accurate stereotype and Maggie Gyllenhaal's character in this movie is certifiably from Kook Town, Wisconsin - population = A LOT.


When it comes to the reality, I'm happy to say that most of the women I know here are way more like Jacinda Barrett in 'The Last Kiss' - sweet, warm, and totally grounded.


But I won't lie. There's definitely a little Kook Town in all of us too.


In all of the best ways, of course.

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