Thursday, August 18, 2011

appreciating the patina

msl september 2011

This came in the mail yesterday and boy am I all over that room. Now this is vintage modern, people. I love the high ceilings and the leather banquette and the beautiful architectural details (those windows! amazing). I love the fancy yet well-worn feel of it all. But the real wow factor comes from the mix of all that goodness living in harmony with the Saarinen table, the Enzo Mari prints, and the industrial stools.

There's a great quote from the homeowner (who is the Martha Stewart Living Editor-in-Chief, naturally) inside the magazine.

"If you're going to have nice things and kids, you have to appreciate patina."

I totally subscribe to that. If you're in our house and you can see beyond the IKEA, you may notice we actually have some nice furniture mixed in here and there. When I first got the nice things, I used to cringe when I'd discover dings from the stroller or scratches from the cat in the wood. But it can all be fixed, one day, when children and cats are gone and it's just us again.

For now, our furniture tells a story. It says, "I am loved, I am cherished, and I live in a busy home with cats and dogs and tiny children who like to push toy lawnmowers into my sides."

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