Wednesday, August 17, 2011

carrie + joe

the mr. and mrs.

Our friends Carrie and Joe got married last weekend! It was one of the best weddings I've ever been to. It was so special, and so unique, and had their love and personality all over every inch of it.

Even though they now live in Wisconsin, they are down home kind of people in the best of ways. Carrie grew up in Lubbock, Texas and affectionately refers to her friends as "darlin'!". Joe is from Greensboro, North Carolina and spends most of his free time attached to a guitar. Their wedding featured party guests in dresses with cowboy boots, bluegrass music throughout the ceremony, and lots and lots of pie. It was just about the most charming thing I've ever experienced.

freethinkers hall
the venue - the freethinkers hall in sauk city

the program

waiting for the ceremony to begin
waiting for the ceremony to begin

everyone got their own mug for the night. mine was pretty much constantly filled with this amazing green tea/lime/gin concoction brewed by the local farmer who catered the meal.

dinner puff balls
dinner was downstairs. my contributions to the wedding were the strands of paper puff balls that hung from the ceiling.


the tables were named after famous free thinkers. carrie's mom sewed all the table lines and napkins. all china and glassware was thrifted in lubbock and then donated back to the freethinkers.

carrie and friends made all the flowers out of paper

dessert table with desserts also made by friends

robbie fulks played the reception! have you heard of him? he was amazing.

dance floor

from the back
looking in from the back of the building

There aren't any photos from ceremony because Carrie and Joe wanted it to be unplugged, that is, they wanted only the official photographer to be taking pictures. They wrote the entire service themselves and wanted people to remember it by how it made you feel listening to what they said to each other, not by looking back on a photograph. She was quoted about it in this story, and made some great points. Their wedding made me laugh and cry throughout, and I may not have been as deeply engaged with what they were saying if I had been focusing on trying to take pictures.

Congratulations Carrie and Joe! Thank you for letting us be part of such a perfect evening! We love you and wish you a lifetime of love and happiness!


  1. Katy - you write with such a narrative and insight - You need you own blog on life!
    Hope you are not discouraged by Wisc. poltics.. just means you have to keep up the good fight!

  2. love this! thanks for such a wonderful recap of the day. would it be okay if i grab some of these photos from flickr? love you, darlin'! :-)

  3. glad you liked it, and of course! grab away!

  4. Thanks, Chris. :) Some days I'm more inspired than others and it comes out easy. Other days, well it's good I take a lot of photos.

    I'm going to write something about the local political scene soon. It wasn't what we hoped for, but it's progress!
