Wednesday, August 10, 2011

evening ritual

Each night before bed, Matteo like to spend a few minutes watching the Brewers (while buck naked). I had bought him his own wiffle ball bat and ball after our Green Lake trip, and since he's imitating anything and everything these days, tonight he decided to try out his best Prince Fielder.



[flickr video=6030534887 secret=4033f68bf2 w=400 h=300]


  1. Katy, that is too cute and too much! What a riot he is. Sorry I missed seeing you Friday night, took my migraine meds and fell right asleep after fighting it all day. Sorry I missed!!

  2. Seems to me he is learning from Grandpa Dave about how "Real Men" watch baseball!!!

  3. Hi Helen!

    It's okay, but we missed you! Maybe next time? Hope all is well with you and your adorable family. Good luck with the start of the school year!
