Thursday, June 14, 2012

family dinner

With my birthday money this year I bought two wonderful things: a Burley trailer for my bike, and this new book.


I am super excited about the Burley, but I think I'm almost as excited about this book. As I've mentioned before, one of the things I miss most when I'm coaching is having time at the end of the day to make a decent dinner. Matteo has sat at the family dinner table with us since he was just a few months old and this ritual is really important to me. And now he's at an age where we can even have little conversations about things. Here we are last night, talking about our days over ice cream.

ice cream

I'm not a great cook. I'm not one of those people who can organically throw together delicious meals on instinct. I never invite friends over for dinner because my friends are all better cooks than I am. I mean, seriously, I still have days when I can't even follow a recipe correctly. Just a few months ago I made a HUGE batch of Six-Week Muffins - which are so named because you make enough to literally last six weeks - and by mistake put in 5 teaspoons of salt instead of 2 teaspoons. I ate one, got a massive headache from sodium poisoning, and had to throw all of the batter away. It was ridiculous.

But I love cooking and always wish I had more time for it. And I am fortunate to have a treasure trove of family recipes that have been passed down to me, which I've always been too intimidated to try. This book is particularly aimed at helping parents with young kids find ways to get good dinners on the table, and create and incorporate family traditions into the family dinner experience. It's for people like me - people who might not have a lot of time or experience in the kitchen, but really value family dinner time and want it to be special through good food and good conversation.

The book evolved from this blog, which I also really enjoy. And if you want to know more, here is the book trailer:


1 comment:

  1. I think family dinners are so wonderful! Growing up, I remember sitting at many a family dinner. Since my sisters and I are all gluten-free, we did a ton of home cooking. My parents traveled all over the world for their jobs, so when they came back, we were taught all sorts of new recipes. We even keep a folder full of old family recipes! Thanks so much for this post :)
