Monday, July 25, 2011

the bois brule

photo from here

One of the best parts of my trip last week was canoeing down the Brule River. I was nervous about tipping my canoe so I didn't bring my camera with me, (no I didn't tip, and yes I kicked myself the whole time for not being able to take photos) but it looked exactly like this.

After the canoe trip we had a social event at a private lodge. The Nature Conservancy and local landowners have worked together to protect 90% of the land along the river and the landowners invited us to a little party so we could meet in person and share our mutual gratitude for preserving such a special place.

The landowner who organized the party had just celebrated his daughter's wedding five days before and she and her husband were there, as were several Irish wedding guests enjoying the north woods. (The groom was Irish and the couple live in Dublin.) Of course, they all were still talking about the wedding and it sounded amazing - it was held right on the Brule River. Not on the banks of the river, actually on the river!

All of the guests traveled to the ceremony spot by canoe with the bride and her father coming last. When they came around the river bend and appeared in view of the guests, she stood up in the back of the canoe in her wedding dress and glided down the water toward her groom. The two of them and their officiant climbed onto a rock on a small island and said their vows in bare feet, while the guests watched from below in their canoes. Everyone I talked to who was there said it was simply magical.

Meeting this family and hearing this story reminded me that we all have places in this world that are magical to us. It's so inspiring to spend time with people who are committed to keeping them that way.

(The Brule has a really interesting history - click here to read more.)

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