Tuesday, July 19, 2011

carrie's bachelorette extravaganza - part 2

pretty big show

We arrived at The Barrymore with Fabio in tow.


He even got his own hand stamp at the door.

hand stamp

in the lobby

Waiting for the show to start. Yes, that lady on the left is 39 weeks pregnant and she made it almost the whole night with us. She wins the prize for party guest of the year.


I had no idea what to expect from the show but it was amazing! Yes, it was pasties and feathers. But it also was acrobatics and feats of strength and comedy. One of my favorite acts involved two women dancing to the song 'Bill Cosby Sweater', wearing Bill Cosby sweaters and Reebok pumps. At the end of the act they took off their Bill Cosby sweaters to reveal pasties made out of pudding cups. Brilliant.

(Never heard the song 'Bill Cosby Sweater'? It's awesome and so is this video. Check it out.)


The best performers, however, were Trixie Little and the Evil Hate Monkey, from Baltimore no less! Represent, Charm City!

trixie monkey

During the intermission we took Fabio out into the lobby with us and Stefanie worked the crowd, inviting strangers to get a picture with him. (No, we never charged for photos but we would have made a ton if we had.) People loved him. It was hilarious to watch them approach him, somewhat tentatively, then get really into the photos.

with fabio

with fabio

with fabio

with fabio

Our full group:

group shot

After the show we brought Fabio up to the stage and got several pictures with Trixie Little and the Evil Hate Monkey. Yes I have uncensored versions of this photo and no you can't see them. This is a family blog, people. Let's keep it real.

with fabio - CENSORED

to be continued...

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