Tuesday, January 22, 2013

yo gabba gabba


Yesterday we surprised Matteo and took him to see Yo Gabba Gabba Live! He was totally enchanted and sat on our laps the entire time staring wide-eyed at the stage, soaking it all in as his favorite TV characters came to life right in front of him.

yo gabba gabba live


happy boy, happy dad

baby's first glow stick


This was kind of our last hurrah as a family of three. I'm not due for another nine weeks but it's unlikely we'll all have another day off where we can do something really special like that. Before Matteo was born, Matt and I enjoyed a weekend getaway a spa. Yesterday was a different sort of getaway but the intention was still the same - to take a moment and enjoy this lovely time in our lives before it all changes again.

yo gabba gabba

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