Wednesday, January 30, 2013

warmer days

It's snowing today and tomorrow it's supposed to be in the single digits. *groan* On days like this I often find myself browsing through old photos from our Caribbean days. Good grief I miss St. Maarten.

typical Sunday afternoon

me and jen at mullet bay
typical Sunday clothes

chris at calmos
typical Sunday night at Calmos (this is my cousin)

post-clean up beach time at le galion
typical school field trip

lobster at johnny b under the tree
typical dinner - lobster, johnnycakes and ribs

typical Carnival party

hubert's cottage - st. barth
typical weekend st. barts

Okay I need to stop.

haircuts and muffin tops

Saturday morning Matteo and I went to get his haircut. He had the back of his neck trimmed for the first time with clippers, which tickled him and made him giggle.


The hair salon has an old school video game table in the back so getting him to go is pretty easy.

video games

Our neighborhood bakery just moved into a bigger location with counter seating so we stopped in for pastries on our way home.


Matteo chose a muffin covered in sugar, naturally. Look at those sugar lips!

sugar lips

Thursday, January 24, 2013

drumming class

This is Matteo's favorite class at his new school. If only I could have also filmed the interpretive dance solo he performed in the middle of the drum circle toward the end of the class.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

yo gabba gabba


Yesterday we surprised Matteo and took him to see Yo Gabba Gabba Live! He was totally enchanted and sat on our laps the entire time staring wide-eyed at the stage, soaking it all in as his favorite TV characters came to life right in front of him.

yo gabba gabba live


happy boy, happy dad

baby's first glow stick


This was kind of our last hurrah as a family of three. I'm not due for another nine weeks but it's unlikely we'll all have another day off where we can do something really special like that. Before Matteo was born, Matt and I enjoyed a weekend getaway a spa. Yesterday was a different sort of getaway but the intention was still the same - to take a moment and enjoy this lovely time in our lives before it all changes again.

yo gabba gabba

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Tuesday, January 1, 2013