Wednesday, December 21, 2011

happy birthday, roscoe!


Today my sweet boy is 10 years old. We had a little bit of a scare this month. Roscoe had a couple of very painful episodes that seemingly came out of nowhere where he was crying and shaking and not able to bear weight on his right hind leg. We went to see the vet and they told us they suspected a knee injury, a pinched nerve in his back, or...less likely but much more worrisome...something more sinister. He was prescribed rest and pain meds and thankfully, seems to be back to his old self again. (I'm fairly confident it was a pinched nerve, which must be horribly painful but seems to be responding to treatment.)

My island boy
at the vet

I've had many moments this month where I stop and look around me and appreciate that my life is a dream. We have a happy family, a precious dog, a sweet kitty, a snug little house, dear friends - we are very blessed in so many ways. As spry as Roscoe is he won't be with us forever and so, newly reminded of this, I am trying to be more mindful of just how good we have it and savor these times.

Happy birthday my sweet, handsome boy.

"the roscoe"

(If you would like to know more about Roscoe, see here and here.)

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