Wednesday, November 27, 2013

start to the season

the coach

The basketball season kicked off last week and Matt's team is 3-0, including a huge win last night over one of the top 10 teams in the state. Go East! His team this year is so good!

It's so fun to be in the gym after a good win. This was the end of the first game.

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seven months

seven months - vincent

I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off, people. Updates soon? I hope so!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

halloween 2013

We had a very eventful Halloween that included trick-or-treating no less than three times. When Matteo and I first talked about me also buying a costume this year I wasn't sure it would be worth the investment, but I think I got my money's worth.

First, last Friday night we started with the Downtown Madison Family Halloween with our friends Stefanie and Ayla.

downtown halloween

ayla and stefanie

halloween 2013

ayla and matteo

Then, last Sunday we went to the zoo for their Halloween party.

looking for seals

This time Matt came with us and also dressed up, which was awesome. After finding that the majority of the parents in attendance (which was like 2,000 people) were NOT dressed up, it kind of became his worst nightmare. But he was a great sport about it and I think this photo is going to be one of our all-time favorites.


And for those who want a front-view of Vincent, here is our very own Superbaby.


After all of this happened the idea of Halloween started to get confusing for Matteo, especially when when I would try to explain that it still wasn't actually Halloween yet and we had more trick-or-treating to do in our neighborhood later that week. By the time October 31st finally arrived he was exhausted. Normally we participate in a Halloween parade in our neighborhood but he asked to skip it this year. (It didn't help that it was raining and we had to slightly modify our costumes. Like the boots?)

superheroes in rainboots

knock knock

trick or treat

After about three blocks he said he was ready to go home. Remember those Berenstain Bears books with "Too Much" in their titles? Like "Too Much Birthday", "Too Much TV", etc? Well this was our own version - "Too Much Halloween". Plus, I think we were both ready to get back to this guy.

first halloween

We made it one more block so we could hit the spookiest house in the neighborhood, the one that always does it up big with buried skeletons in the front yard and a smoke machine. And then we went home to this.


Although he was tired of trick-or-treating he wasn't tired of eating candy and Matteo was hoping the candy that we didn't give away would be added to his own stash. A few minutes after we got home the doorbell rang and two teenage girls were on our doorstep. As I was going for our candy bowl to offer them, Matteo ran straight to the door. At the same time they politely said, "Trick or Treat!", he yelled


That kid is too clever.