Monday, September 30, 2013

my mom is coming...for good!

mom's new house!

I am so thrilled to share that my mom is moving to Madison! Last week she was here for three days to close on a new home she bought here (that's it in the picture - isn't it cute?) and then flew back to Maryland to put her house on the market. She'll be here for good as soon as it sells and our fingers are crossed that will be very soon. Things in her neighborhood have been moving quickly so we're hopeful it will only be another month or so.

I'm so excited to have her close (only three miles away!) and there are so many things I'm looking forward to doing with her once she's here. And Matteo is beyond excited that she is coming to stay for good. I'm also looking forward to having an extra pair of hands around to help now and then. Do you know that in the last two years Matt and I have gone out together without kids exactly twice? Once was to our friends' wedding two summers ago and, most recently, we went to a movie while visiting my Dad in Park City...LAST JULY.

Welcome to Madison, Mom! Wisconsin - and all the wonderful things it has to offer - is waiting for you!


  1. You and your mom must be so excited!! It makes all the difference to have your mom close by! Enjoy :)

  2. Hi Katy,
    I am so glad Mom will be moving here soon, for your sake and mine. Welcome to the family Mom!
    Loving thoughts,

  3. Thanks, Helen! I'm so thrilled she's coming!!
