Monday, July 8, 2013

our growing baby

Over the last three months I've taken a zillion photos and videos of our growing family. But not having any free time, combined with a terrible redesign of flickr that leaves me shaking my fist at the computer when I spend any time with it, has made organizing everything a challenge.

I hope to get it all under control again soon so I can share more of what we've been up to. But in the meantime, one of the things I have been able to keep up with is a monthly photo series of Vincent. Just like I did with Matteo, I'm trying to take a photo of him each month on the same blanket with a monthly calendar for reference. At some point, I'd like to post side by side close-up shots of each of them to see how much they resemble each other. But for now, I can at least share the monthly instagram shot from each session.

6 weeks (I missed the one month mark, whoops)

2 months

3 months

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