Monday, July 22, 2013

baptism - part 2

Matteo and his godparents

Vincent's baptism is in less than a month and I have a party to plan. For Matteo's baptism we had 50+ people in the backyard, a keg, tons of food, live music and a photo booth. See?

dan and matt
godfather and father of the baptized baby

This time around I have some ideas brewing but need to get hopping if I'm going to pull it all off. These are not your traditional post-baptism parties.

okay, so i faked that last drink and steve totally knows it
post-baptism ouzo

Friday, July 12, 2013

first trip to the dentist

Matteo went to the dentist for the first time this morning. He did great! Did you know that these days they give the kids a choice of sitting in the chair themselves or sitting on a parent?

Guess which he chose?


We've always thought Matteo had unusually pointy canines and this was confirmed by the dentist. It's caused by his bite, which has worn down his teeth into perfect triangles. See what I mean?

vampire teeth

I was really proud of him. He was very cooperative the whole time and highly enjoyed the visit, especially after being introduced to the treasure box.


Monday, July 8, 2013

our growing baby

Over the last three months I've taken a zillion photos and videos of our growing family. But not having any free time, combined with a terrible redesign of flickr that leaves me shaking my fist at the computer when I spend any time with it, has made organizing everything a challenge.

I hope to get it all under control again soon so I can share more of what we've been up to. But in the meantime, one of the things I have been able to keep up with is a monthly photo series of Vincent. Just like I did with Matteo, I'm trying to take a photo of him each month on the same blanket with a monthly calendar for reference. At some point, I'd like to post side by side close-up shots of each of them to see how much they resemble each other. But for now, I can at least share the monthly instagram shot from each session.

6 weeks (I missed the one month mark, whoops)

2 months

3 months