Thursday, February 14, 2013

happy valentines's day!


Matteo sent us off today with big Valentine's Day 'family kisses', where he puts his head between our and smooches us both at the same time. Tonight we'll be celebrating by going out for heart-shaped pizza at our usual Valentines's Day place. Valentine's Day is a lovely day and always reminds me how lucky I am to have such wonderful people in my life.

It's less than six weeks until the official due date and I'm trying to soak up as much of Matteo and our life as a family of three as I can. Of course we're thrilled about meeting the new baby. But we also recognize our world is about to change dramatically. It's kind of ironic. Just when we've gotten to this awesome stage where Matteo is growing up, and so helpful and independent, and we can actually find time to relax after work and on weekends (and I mean we JUST got there, as we've only been enjoying this for the last few weeks), life is going to be plunged into newborn chaos-mode again in approximately 47 days.

Matteo no longer seems like a toddler to me. He uses the toilet all by himself, clears his own dishes, picks out his own clothes and dresses himself with little help. He's thoughtful and kind and very conscious of our feelings. He always asks us about our day, and the other night after Matt's team lost a game he said, "Tough day, Mama. Tough loss for Dada." The other day we came home to find Emma the cat had thrown up on the floor so he went to the kitchen and got out the yellow bowl I use with him when he's sick to his stomach and set it out for her.

He's so excited to meet his new brother and when we asked him if he wanted to get a little gift for the baby, he said he wanted to give him a baby basketball hoop. While I know I'm going to have to be really sensitive to him and his feelings, especially the fact that he won't be the sole focus of my attention, I also feel really hopeful that he will embrace his new role as a big brother.

Happy Valentine's Day to my sweet boy, my superstar husband and to all of you who are reading this today. xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katie,
    Happy Valentine's Day to your beautiful family. Don't worry you will have more than enough love to share when the baby comes. That is the nature of The Divine Mother
    I love you all,
    Grandma Peig
