Friday, November 2, 2012

the last day

last day of school

Today is Matteo's last day of school before he moves to his new school next week. He's been here since he was four months old and we've grown very attached to the teachers. I shed more than a few tears this morning and I'm sure there will be more when I pick him up for the last time this afternoon.

This is a very bittersweet transition. Matteo had some challenging behavior issues this spring and at the beginning of this school year where he was being really aggressive with other kids. I felt helpless and terrible but his teachers were really supportive and comforting. I know it's time for him to move on, and there are so many wonderful things waiting for him at his new school, but I'm nervous. I also worry about him leaving his friends. I know he'll really miss them.


As a goodbye gift, the teachers made him a photo album of pictures of his class and a scrapbook with pages from each of the other kids.

goodbye gifts




Goodbye for now Wee Start. We look forward to seeing you every day again next fall with Baby #2!

1 comment:

  1. New beginnings are always positive changes. Grandma' s love and light will be with you as you start your new adventure.
    Loving thoughts,
    Grandma Peig
