Wednesday, November 30, 2011

yooooo gabba gabba!


Check out this story on ABC News about Yo Gabba Gabba!

(Or as Matteo calls it, "Bo Bo BO! Bo Bo Bo! BOOOOOH!")

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

goodbye mom

after thanksgiving dinner

My mom came to visit us for the weekend and just left this morning. I love having her come, she totally spoils us. She is so good with Matteo and so helpful around the house and I miss her so much when she leaves. Roscoe came to the airport with me to drop her off and as we pulled away without her he started to cry.

(I'm still figuring out my iphone so photos have been light. I love all of the cool features and photo apps but there is a bit of a learning curve to it all. It also seems that right now I'm taking fewer photos because I keep forgetting I have my camera with me. Duh.)

Friday, November 18, 2011


Matteo is sick, like projectile vomit sick. He's also teething and had a shot at the doctor yesterday. Fun times in our house today! We've been trading off being home with him so we can both get some work done.

In other news, Matt and I finally replaced our old beater phones with iphones. I'm in love, especially with the photo apps.

favorite toys

lawn mower

frowny bath

Hey, at least it's Friday. Break it down for us, little man.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011


solidarity pumpkin

And so it begins.

great wolf

One of my Dad's clients is Great Wolf Lodge and he very generously booked us two nights at the Wisconsin resort for this past weekend. We spent hours at the water park, played arcade games, ate at a restaurant that had a train running through it that delivers your food, and drank lots and lots of coffee from the in-house Starbucks to keep up with Matteo (as fun as they may be, there is absolutely nothing restful about vacationing with a toddler).

It was exhausting in the best of ways.

ahhhh dada

giant water climbing fort

coming down!
toot toot beep beep

dinner train headed back to the kitchen

little cowboy

water piggies


over it?

And now, baby on a water slide!

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Monday, November 14, 2011

we're back

heading down

We spent the weekend at a water park resort in the Wisconsin Dells. Basketball season officially started today so it was our last bit of concentrated family time before we lose Matt to his team for the next few months. We're tired and trying to get back into the swing of things, but more to come soon!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

birthday love

We celebrated Matt's birthday last night with tikka masala for dinner and a homemade Smith Island cake. Matteo loved helping open all the presents and tore through the wrapping paper like crazy. I have a feeling he's going to be really into Christmas this year.



Sunday, November 6, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


The Halloween parade started right on time this year, which meant since we were running late we only caught the tail end of it. But we hung out in the park with lots of neighborhood kids and then went home for trick-or-treating. We were only going to stop by a few houses so our neighbors could see him in costume, but Matteo figured out the routine by the second house and got pretty into it - walk up to door, look cute, take candy and put it in pumpkin, wave bye bye, NEXT! - so we ended up being out for quite a while. He carried that pumpkin the whole time, even at the end of the night when it was heavy with candy.


watching the parade

parade finish

at the parade

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anybody home?

putting it in the pumpkin

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This house was pretty decked out, it even had a fog machine. Matteo was a little overwhelmed. He sat down on the front walk and wouldn't get any closer. The homeowner, who was dressed as a cat, had to come out and bring his treats to him.

spooky house

too afraid to go up to the door

In a funny coincidence, our next door neighbor was a lion too!

the ludington pride of lions

the haul

home at last!