Friday, February 25, 2011


flag at sunset

Usually when I go someplace new, I read and I research and I plan - poring over a Lonely Planet guidebook so I know not only the places I most want to see but I have some sense of the history and culture of wherever I'm off to.

Not this trip. I had no idea what Cartagena would be like except for 'Romancing the Stone' and that was filmed in Mexico and the Philippines. (Fun fact: Michael Douglas' character mispronounces the city as Cartagenia throughout the whole movie, much to the ire of people who live in Cartagena who still hear it mispronounced that way to this day.) turns out Cartagena is really very cool and I should have done my homework. Described as "Latin American's hippest hidden secret", I found the city to be a cross between Old Town San Juan and Miami. In the short time I was there I feel lucky to have gotten out to explore quite a bit, but not having a sense of context for what I saw I have since ordered a guidebook to Colombia to better understand the city's history.

I took a lot of photos so I'll be spreading my favorites out over a few posts. First up - scenes from the old city:

cartagena street

te quiero


old and new



cartagena wall sunset

light up chairs

For more about Cartagena, check out this story the NY Times ran last year about Cartagena and Gabriel García Márquez. One of his favorite restaurants, La Vitrola, was where we ate the first night I arrived.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

organizing the bookcase

a little pick-me-up

I feel like a bruised banana this week. Life keeps handing me lemons and I don't have the energy to make lemonade. On a happier note, I just found out about a lunchtime yoga class on Thursdays across the street from my office so hopefully, at around 1 p.m. tomorrow after a few downward dogs, I'll be feeling a little better.

Until that happens, here's a pretty damn cute picture of Matteo this morning, wearing a rather dapper little vintage cardigan.

baby cardigan

And speaking of dapper, did anyone else catch this this morning? It was pretty cute.

Monday, February 21, 2011

madison this weekend

This video does an amazing job of capturing what it feels like to be here in the middle of it all. And our friends Joe and Carrie are in it too! (Joe is easiest to spot - he's the guitar player wearing a plaid shirt in the middle of the rotunda.) Regardless of which side you're on, I would hope that everyone who comes to Madison to participate in this leaves feeling moved by the energy and passion of the people they encountered at the Capitol.

[vimeo 20168864 w=400 h=225]

Wisconsin "Budget Repair Bill" Protest Pt 2 from Matt Wisniewski on Vimeo.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

baby swimming

And now on a lighter note...Matteo had his first swimming class yesterday! He's in the Little Dipper class and LOVED it.


on his back


matteo loves swimming


For all I know, Matteo could grow up to be the next Alex P. Keaton. Guess what? That's totally fine by me. Regardless of what his opinions turn out to be I just want him to grow up to have opinions. I want him to grow up aware of what's going on in the world around him. I want him to take an interest in what's happening and feel unafraid to participate. Whatever he chooses to believe in, whatever he feels passionately about, I want him to always stand up for himself and his beliefs.

What's happening in Wisconsin is divisive. Friends and family members are finding themselves on opposite sides of the issue and people feel very strongly about their personal position. My feelings about it all are pretty transparent and I've obviously been an active participant in the anti-reform bill protests. But I also am trying to respect the fact that this blog is not The Huffington Post and there are people who read it just to see Matteo doing cute things. However, this blog is also about us as a family and our life in Madison and with Matt being a teacher and this affecting us so close to home (literally and figuratively) I would be remiss if I didn't talk about it and share photos.

There was a story in the State Journal today about using the protests as a teaching tool. As a former teacher I can't emphasize enough the opportunity this provides families to talk to their kids about current events. Critics of the protests are saying that bringing kids to the rallies is indoctrinating them but I think it's opening their eyes. Not to any particular political position, necessarily, but to the way our government works and the principles it was founded on. Unlike many other countries, we live in a society with the freedom to peacefully assemble and the right to speak up without fear of retaliation and people in Madison are living that freedom right now.

I took Matteo with us yesterday because just like with everything else in his life, I want him to look back through pictures and know he was there, that he was part of this, that he was witness to something he's going to read about in his history books when he's a little older. I want him to see that together, as a family, we supported his Dad and all educators across Wisconsin. I want him to see that his parents are fighters and care about the world around them. I want him to see that from the time he was born, he was always with us in everything we did

wisconsin educators

up in the air

Saturday, February 19, 2011

matteo's first protest


at the capitol

There were 60,000-70,000 people there today. Not only are the streets around the Capitol shut down, they are PACKED with protesters. It's been an amazing experience to see the crowds swell as the week has gone.

[flickr video=5460306944 secret=73dcf79c2a w=400 h=300]

Friday, February 18, 2011


state street entrance

Madison is nuts right now. No matter what your stance is on Governor Walker's bill, no matter what your political views happen to be, I would encourage everyone who can get here to see what's going on first-hand and witness democracy in action.

I obviously feel very passionately this and am wholeheartedly standing up for the collective bargaining rights of public employees and speaking out against what I feel is a flawed process. But I can also understand the frustration many parents feel right now. Schools have been closed here for three days and making alternative child care arrangements isn't easy. However, I also believe this is fantastic opportunity to teach kids what the political process is about and if you CAN come here with your children this weekend, come!

Let this issue serve as an opportunity to have a larger conversation with your kids about what you personally believe. Whatever your feelings are regarding our current political leadership, unions, or public demonstrations, tell your kids! This is such a great way to explain how legislation is passed, what rights we as citizens have to voice our concerns, and the important role public sector employees play in our society.

And even if you don't have kids, take an hour to go up to the Capitol and see for yourselves just who the people participating in these demonstrations really are. It's not just Madison liberal left-wingers, students, and teachers. Today's crowd is incredibly diverse - it's police officers and nurses and fire fighters and cab drivers. It's neighbors and friends and people we come into contact with on a daily basis in all kinds of capacities from city snow plow drivers to coffee shop baristas. If you don't support what they are trying to accomplish, at least support them as people who are trying to protect their families and their rights, just like everyone else.

I've been taking photos every day and my whole set is here. But here are a few favorites so far:





in the rotunda

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

first school picture

school picture

Ever seen a school picture of a baby? I know, right?! AWWWWWWW.

Monday, February 14, 2011

happy valentines day

Seven years ago today, Matt and I went on our first official date.

with my wife katyus - 2004

Happy Valentines Day!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Matteo turned nine months old today.


And yes, right before this picture was taken he fell over and bumped his head on the baby gate. It draws your attention away from the black eye on the other side of his head from another tumble.

Friday, February 4, 2011

happy chinese new year!

chinese rabbit

It's the year of the rabbit, which is my sign (and my name)!


long trip

Tuesday morning I leave for Colombia. I'm excited, but also sad about leaving Matteo for the first time and a little uneasy about being so far away. I'm SURE it will all be fine and it's only four days, but it's going to be challenging. Plus, I'm still nursing and have to bring my breast pump with me so I can pump several times a day! How do moms who travel a lot for their jobs do it?

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Matteo loves watching us vacuum. He goes crazy for it. He also loves making us laugh by pressing his face against the mesh sides of his pack and play.

[flickr video=5412311198 secret=865db97a19 w=400 h=300]

[flickr video=5412341400 secret=819ff53b8d w=400 h=300]

Wednesday, February 2, 2011



Yesterday's forecast was right. We got at least 12 inches last night on top of the four inches we got Monday.

looking out from the garage
looking out from our garage at our street

front yard

snow up to my waist
you can see how high the snowdrifts are relative to me

snowy roof
side of the house, the snowdrifts are halfway up the kitchen door


looking down the sidewalk