Wednesday, May 23, 2012

season update


My lacrosse team is still going strong (11-2!) and today we play for the regular-season conference title. We've never won our conference before so today's game is a biggie.

The team we're playing handed us our only in-conference lost last week in a thriller of a game. Our goalie had to come out at halftime with a concussion and we had to put in a girl who plays goalie...for her ice hockey team! We ended up losing, but only by one goal in the last minute of the game. My team is really pumped and ready for revenge, but now our leading scorer is out with an injury!

I'm so nervous but I know they're going to play their hearts out. Wish us luck!

Monday, May 7, 2012

matteo's second birthday party

birthday boy

Matteo's birthday fell on a Saturday this year and since it's already on Cinco de Mayo...well...I got a little carried away with the party. But it went off without a hitch, and everyone seemed to have a great time. A big thank you to our friends Carrie and Joe for all of their help. Carrie helped set up and took these amazing photos, and Joe played a live set for the guests that included several kid-friendly songs he taught himself just for the occasion.




baby hugs
Matteo was so excited to see his friends! This is Baby Anna from school.


anna and casey in the climber

matteo and jordan



Tuesday, May 1, 2012



I'm right in the middle of the lacrosse season and I am so proud to say our team is ranked second in the state and is currently undefeated! (The number one team has four losses, but they were against four stronger teams from out-of-state.)


This is so exciting and I'm so thrilled for the girls. They've worked their butts off this year and it's so fun to see their hard work pay off. Lacrosse season definitely means no free time for me for a few months, but it's worth it.

less time so more blogs


Matteo's birthday is this weekend and in the little free time I still have, I've been busy with party planning. We're inviting 40 or so of our nearest and dearest over for a fiesta and I have tacos to taste test, pinatas to fill, and toddler activities to plan.

I'm still struggling with the best way to keep up with this (obviously). I'm also still trying to figure out the best way to share photos since, by default, my iphone is turning out to be my camera of choice and I haven't been very good about sharing them on flickr or here. So I've set up a tumblr page so when I don't have time to write, I can at least post quick pictures of what we've been up to. Check it out here.